8 Reasons Why People Play Clash Royale on Android

     Who is not familiar with the Clash of Clans? Mobile game that this one successfully led Supercell be a mobile game company's most reckoned with in the world.
   Not wanting to be complacent, Supercell also developing Clash Royale. The new game is introduced in a month's time successfully attracted the attention of many users of mobile devices.

 People Reasons to Play Clash Royale

    After a month in beta specifically for iOS users, eventually Clash Royale to users of Android ahead of its grand launching in March. So even though the status in the Google Play Store still Pre-registration, but you can already play Clash Royale in Android by downloading apk Clash Royale.
    The number of people looking forward to Clash Royale and play it is certainly not without reason. Well, here's the reason why people play Clash Royale.

1. Very Clash Of Clans ( COC )

    Equally developed by Supercell, ye who plays Clash of Clans (COC) definitely really familiar with the characters in Clash Royale. Because it Supercell bring some character to the Clash Royale COC, like Barbarian, Archer, Witch, Wizard, Giant, Goblin, Hog Rider, Dragon, Baloon, PEEKA, and others. But it is not just a character, Clash Royale also comes with Clan system as COC. Although there is currently no Clan War, but because it really is what makes the COC reason people play Clash Royale.

2. Many New Character

    For fans of the COC, reason plays Clash Royale next is because of the many new characters who are present in this game. Imagine it if was so old to play COC, definitely bored look that forces the characters-it wrote. So in this Clash Supercell Royale brings lots of new characters, such as Knight, Prince, Musketeer, Baby Dragon, Mini Pekka, Skeletons Army, and others, some of which are character development COC.

3. Realtime

   The reason people play the next Clash Royale is because this game should be played in realtime. Unlike the COC system uses the strategy to build the village and attack the opponent when the opponent is offline, it carries the Clash Royale game system of defense and attack to be played online. So you can only play if you are both online.

4. Fun

    Have fun is a global word to be the reason why people play Clash Royale. User with the ability to do battle with friends of the clan, each pitting attack and defense strategy, or pitted many powerful collection of cards with friends, who would not be interested in the Clash Royale? Have fun was not just for themselves, but can be enjoyed together with friends from work or college in one clan.

5. Do not Need Much Time


    Plays Clash Royale does not take much, and is guaranteed to make you have to leave important work just to play this game. Once the battle, you only takes 3 minutes to get Chest doang if you win, and let Chest open. And so on. So you can play it anytime, anywhere as long as there Internet network.

6. Good Graphics

    By carrying out the COC character, you will be more satisfied to see the troops have clashed directly with the graphics of a champion. The effects look stunning and make a blast to play at home. Once play Clash Royale, you'll definitely be hooked to play this game thanks to graphics that champion.

7. Wait Upgrade (Buildings, Spell, Troop COC)

    For you who have long played a COC, surely now it is high TH her right? The higher the TH, the higher the cost and the longer is also the time required to upgrade the building. Instead of staring there is not the dimainin, mending play Clash Royale wrote. Equally artificial Supercell and also bring some character COC.

8. Do not Want Much Disadvantaged

    While still new and not yet present in the Google Play Store, many people rush plays Clash Royale. The goal is to not miss much when the official release later in the Play Store. And again if playing from now on we will definitely have a higher level with the card is complete.

    Hmmmm admit, that was the reason you play Calsh Royale, right? Or you have other reasons that made you interested untu plays Clash Royale on your smartphone.

Download Clash Of Royale HERE


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